The New Risk Management Automation Solution You Need to:

Reduce your anxiety

Reduce your workload

Have more time

Supply Wisdom Exuma: The Next Evolution in Automated Risk Management

Today’s dynamic risk environment, where disruptions are exponentially increasing in frequency and severity, has placed inordinate pressure on you to identify and mitigate the ENDLESS UNKNOWNS that can result in supply chain disruptions.

Supply Wisdom is how companies can finally stay ahead of supply chain disruptions.

Experience Risk Automation in Action

With Supply Wisdom®️ Exuma

Supply Wisdom Exuma is how you get from frustrated, anxious, and overworked, to the disruption blocker, supply chain savior, and defender of business continuity, your company needs today.

Schedule Your Exuma Demo Now → Experience These Outcomes for Yourself
Exuma - Risk Identification



That’s not surprising when you consider how today’s dynamic risk environment has recently resulted in devastating business and supply chain disruptions that have threatened many companies’ survival.

Unfortunately, your legacy point-in-time solutions fail to provide adequate visibility into your current risk exposure leaving you to worry about what you don’t know.

What you don’t know can harm your business.

From natural disasters and compliance issues to bankruptcies and cyber vulnerabilities, you need a clear picture of all risks.

With Supply Wisdom - Now it’s all clear

Your anxiety is gone because now you have -

All the coverage – we are the market’s only solution that covers 7 risk domains in real-time, so you always know your risk exposure.

  • Financial
  • Cyber
  • Operations
  • ESG
  • Compliance
  • Nth Party
  • Location


Do LIMITED RESOURCES leave you struggling to keep up?

Also, not surprising when you consider how today’s dynamic risk environment has resulted in an overwhelming volume of risks that threaten your supply chain and business continuity.

Unfortunately, your current capabilities fail to support timely mitigation as human teams can only do so much in the limited time they are at work.

Exuma - Risk Action

What you don’t mitigate swiftly can threaten supply chains and business continuity.

From political unrest and legal actions to acquisitions and data breaches, you need a more efficient way to mitigate risk even when human teams are off the clock. 

With Supply Wisdom - Now it’s all clear

You can do more with fewer resources because now you have -

All the action – Our configurable risk decision workflows are based on your risk tolerances, so risk actions are automated for always-on mitigation.

Supply Wisdom - All the time


Do you want MORE TIME to FOCUS on what matters most?

Who doesn’t want more time? As our jobs get busier and more demanding, it gets harder and harder to find the time we need to focus our attention and effort on what matters most.

Unfortunately, your current solutions have failed to give you what you need to know now in order to focus your efforts where they can be the most impactful. 

When you can’t focus on the most critical issues, supply chains and business continuity are at risk.

From climate change and sanctions to reputation threats and data loss, you need a clear view of the issues that require your attention today. 

With Supply Wisdom - Now it’s all clear

You can quickly focus your attention on what matters most because now you have -

All the insight – Our always-current metrics, alerts, and risk ratings are presented in configurable and customizable dashboards, so you can focus your attention and effort on what matters the most to you